Original & Natural

Milk, Ghee and More! Fresh, Local, Delivered

Come visit Vathila Farms and explore our beautiful farm in the country. Experience the sights and sounds of nature while visiting our farm.


Original & Natural

Milk, Ghee and More! Fresh, Local, Delivered

Come visit Vathila Farms and explore our beautiful farm in the country. Experience the sights and sounds of nature while visiting our farm.


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Raw A2 Milk is never heated and will maintain all of the enzymes and other nutrients that support digestion and absorption. We sell only Raw A2 Milk and not pasteurized milk.

Pasteurization is a method of heating milk for a short time to kill off bacteria which would cause the milk to spoil.
Pasteurized milk is the majority of milk available nowadays you would typically find in a grocery stores and dairy shops. The problem is that, it kills enzymes, much of the healthy micro-organisms, and more importantly it denatures the proteins. Essentially, high-temp pasteurization kills the milk and makes it much more difficult for your body to digest. This can typically lead to inflammatory bowel disease, among others.

Are you aware that almost all brands today selling milks of HF and Jersey cows which has got A1 PROTEIN. Also almost all branded organic milk today contains milk of only HF and Jersey cows. Only A2 Milk comes from cows with hump on back, they naturally produce only A2 protein and not A1 – and that makes all the difference.
At Vathila’s Farm, We make sure at every stage that any product you get from our farm has been fully tested for purity and freshness.
• We deliver Farm fresh Milk without any process / preservative- direct from farm to your home everyday.
• All cows in our Farm are Native Cows.
• Fodder is grown by natural method using natural cow dung to feed cows.
• No hormones or any injections like Oxytocin are given to enhance milk production.
• Milking is done early morning and evening after feeding the calves generously.
• After milking, we put milk into chilling plant to bring down the temperature.

Native cows were neglected in the recent past because of low milk yielding capability. Where as A1 milk producing cows have high milk yielding capability. Thus all the big dairy farms are keeping these high producing HF and Jersey cows in return the milk is sold at cheaper rate. Where as native cows produce less milk resulting in pricier than A1 milk to keep the native cow farm economically sustainable. We assure you that you will get the best of the milk. It is 100% pure.

 A2 Milk contains Vitamins that are beneficial to our health. These help in absorbing phosphorus and calcium very necessary to build and maintain our bones and teeth. Riboflavin helps our body use carbohydrates for energy and Vitamin B12, helps our body in breaking protein and RBC production.
 Minerals like calcium, phosphorus and potassium in milk help us to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
 Calcium is very much needed for the proper functioning of muscle, bones and to maintain our blood pressure.
 Phosphorous not only provides building blocks for healthy bones and teeth but also helps to produce protein for cells and tissues growth, maintain and repair.
 Potassium is important for functioning of our body cells, tissues, organs and in regulating blood pressure.
 Protein in a2 milk is the most affordable source – 1 gm in 30 ml.
 A2 milk doesn’t cause the same inflammatory response in those who are lactose intolerant like the way A1 milk causes. When you consume pure A2 milk, you can relish its benefits without any gastrointestinal discomforts.
 One of the native Indian breeds provides A2 milk. Hence, regular consumption of A2 milk in your diet is a step towards a healthy body and mind.

Milk from dairy cows has been regarded as nature’s perfect food, providing an important source of nutrients including high quality proteins, carbohydrates and selected micronutrients. More than 95% of the cow milk proteins are constituted by caseins and whey proteins. Among the caseins, beta casein is the second most abundant protein and has excellent nutritional balance of amino acids. Different mutations in bovine beta casein gene have led to 12 genetic variants and out of these A1 and A2 are the most common. The A1 and A2 variants of beta casein differ at amino acid position 67 with histidine (CAT) in A1 and proline (CCT) in A2 milk as a result of single nucleotide difference. This polymorphism leads to a key conformational change in the secondary structure of expressed β-casein protein. Gastrointestinal proteolytic digestion of A1 variant of β-casein (raw/processed milk) leads to generation of bioactive peptide, beta casomorphin 7 (BCM7).[1] Infants may absorb BCM-7 due to an immature gastrointestinal tract whereas adults gather the biological activity locally on the intestinal brush boarder. In hydrolysed milk with variant A1 of beta-casein, BCM-7 level is 4-fold higher than in A2 milk. Initial studies on indigenous cow (Zebu type), buffalo and exotic cows (taurine type) have revealed that A1 allele is more frequent in exotic cattle while Indian native dairy cow and buffalo have only A2 allele, and hence are a source for safe milk.

The various problems associated with humpless cow’s toxic A1 milk are: Autism, Diabetes-type 1, Sudden death Syndrome in infants, Ulcerative colitis, Cardiac problems, Multiple sclerosis, Mental disorders, Parkinsons, Schizophrenia, Obesity, Arteriosclerosis, Intolerance bloating
• BCM7 has pro-inflammatory, opiate-like properties and has been shown to contribute largely to a wide variety of chronic diseases, including autoimmune conditions, heart disease, autism, schizophrenia and various neurological disorders. Injecting BCM7 into animals caused Type 1 diabetes to occur.
• Autistic and schizophrenic persons typically excrete large quantities of BCM7 in their urine.
• Man can live on A2 milk of the humped Indian cow alone.
• The A2 milk of Indian humped cows is more beneficial, as it has micronutrients like cytokines and minerals which enhance the immune system (A2 beta-casein protein
• The Indian cow does NOT require any antibiotics and need every little food and water. They are zero maintenance animals. Indigenous cows with hump have strong immunity. Frequency of illness is more in the exotic humpless cows
• The western cows have mutated DNA due to the cycle of violence for beef . When a cow is killed it sends out soliton waves . The vedic seers have been wise when they banned cow slaughter.
• Over centuries the polluted ground water in western countries where they bury their dead has affected the DNA causing the cows to produce A1 milk.
• When you drink A1 milk , during digestion proteins in milk are broken down in to peptides. Most of these peptides are converted in to amino acids to be absorbed by the blood stream. But all peptides do not get broken down in to amino acids to get absorbed.
• Some are excreted in our stools and some manage to get through the leaks in gut wall in to the blood stream while still in peptide form. A1 milk releases in human body the peptide called BCM7 (Betacasomorphine 7). This is an opium family substance, and has been associated with a very large number of serious diseases. One liter A1 Milk contains 24-32 gms of casein of which 9 to12 grams is BCM7 ( about two tea spoons).

It’s obvious that the journey of ghee is started from India. It was originated in the ancient times, ghee is not only used for cooking but also for ayurvedic medicine and religious rituals also. Ghee is considered as essential and sacred in rituals that involve fire/agni/havan/homa in festive rituals. India’s rich culture of religious, ethinics, cultural community that diversed their rituals. Ghee is widely used in Indian cuisine as a staple food in household. Mostly consumed region for ghee in India is Northern region of India.

The qualitative and biometric characteristics of indigenous Peruvidai chicken were recorded from a Peruvidai Chicken Breeding farm at Ambur, Vellore district. The Peruvidai chicken is hardy in nature, have the ability to thrive under adverse conditions, known for their meat and egg quality with desirable taste and flavour along with the fighting quality of cocks. “Peruvidai” is very much popular among the farmers in western part of Tamil Nadu.

Siruvidai chicken, an indigenous ecotype of Tamil Nadu is prevalent in Ariyalur district of Tamil Nadu. The phenotypic characters of Siruvidai roosters exhibit golden-yellow hackles, while their breast, abdomen, tail feathers, and wing primaries are black. Their body is adorned with red feathers. Whereas, in females, the neck is covered with lustrous brown feathers intricately laced with golden-yellow colour. The breast and abdomen display vibrant brown feathers; while the back is adorned with dark brown feathers. The tail feathers exudes an ebony tone. Siruvidai chickens possess a single comb that is typically red in color. The comb of the hen is mostly upright, although floppy in some cases. The eye color, is typically yellow in Siruvidai chickens; although, orange eyes may be observed rarely. Siruvidai chickens have white-colored ear lobes. The beaks are yellow or brownish-yellow in colour and the wattles are red in colour. Siruvidai chickens typically have yellow legs and white skin. The Red Jungle fowl is widely acknowledged as the ancestor of all chicken breeds worldwide. The phenotypic characters of Siruvidai chicken resembles to that of Red Jungle fowl. However, more molecular characterization studies are needed to establish the precise relationship between the Siruvidai chicken and the red jungle fowl. Keywords: Indigenous chicken, Siruvidai, Tamil Nadu, morphological characters

'Kodi Goat', is found in south-eastern coastal area of Tamil Nadu. This breed is well adapted to the tropical climate and is highly resistant to diseases. Kodi goats have a unique appearance as they have large ears, curved horns and lean body conformation. Its synonym Porai Adu has been derived from the body colour viz., splashes of black or reddish brown colour over the white coat.

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