Original & Natural

Fresh Milk for Fresh Day

Come visit Vathila Farms and explore our beautiful farm in the country. Experience the sights and sounds of nature while visiting our farm.


Original & Natural

Milk, Ghee and More! Fresh, Local, Delivered

Come visit Vathila Farms and explore our beautiful farm in the country. Experience the sights and sounds of nature while visiting our farm.


Get To Know Us

Our team comprises of a diverse set of individuals from different backgrounds and professional domains, united by a common love for farm animals and unwavering commitment towards green-living. Our practices are designed to ensure that all animals complete their stages of life in health and happiness, while we try to make the most of their natural produce without any artificial intervention. Deeply rooted in the Indian ethos of harmonious living that binds mankind to nature, and forms the foundation of modern-day concepts of sustainable development, our passion for "driving sustainability by building healthy ecosystems" is brought to life at Vathila by adopting age-old indigenous practices of farming systems, preservation of habitats and maintenance of genetic & agricultural diversity.
We invite you to join hands with us in our vision of developing and deploying sustainable and empathetic production and consumption. Together, we can take small, yet green steps today, that reap benefits not only in the present but for future generations as well.

About The Founder | Our Story

Vathila Farms is the brainchild of Jaya Vathin who has always been an animal lover and fond of pets. In the pandemic lockdown of 2020, he began building his dream, piece by piece, starting with intensive research on country breeds and domestication. Dairy and poultry farming in present time is primarily driven by commercialization and mass production, utilising artificial techniques of increasing yield and hybridization. Animals are treated like raw material producing machines and it is utterly forgotten that they have a life of their own as well. Thus, with the resolve to undo these errors of industrialization and moving back to the traditional Indian methods of domestication and cultivation, Vathila Farms was born as a safe haven where the animals live naturally and complete their full life cycle, and simultaneously a venture that provides authentic organic produce that reeks multiple benefits of the age-old Indian cultural practices.

Our Practices

Spread over a landmass of around 2 acres, our entire farm is thriving on natural plants and crops handpicked as per the climate and habitat requirements. Our animals are a part of our family and we take special measures to ensure that they are given best of food and living conditions. Our specialized sprinkler system ensures that the animals remain cool even in the scorching heat of summer and the fodder for cattle is made in-house with our grinding mechanism, soaked over night so that our animals have a healthy meal in the morning. Our veterinarian regularly examines their health and all mating takes place under the supervision and advice of experts. We abstain from artificial insemination and utilise the natural produce of the cows. We believe that if our cattle are happy, we are successful in our initiative.

Our products are all derived naturally from the produce and by-produce of our cattle without any artificial intervention. A cow is much more than a milk producing machine, we try to make the best of the produce of every animal that we adopt, and hence our inventory consists of 50+ products derived from not only milk, but also cow-dung and cow urine – soap, dhoop sticks and ghee to name a few. Our farm is also run on bio-gas, which is produced from our cattle – thus, we try to complete a full circle in our practices.

Why Vathila Products?

Our Unique Selling Point is our pure native cow milk that unlike regular milk, contains only the easy to digest A2 protein. It is 100% free from the A1 protein which is like a slow poison that deteriorates the functioning of our body in the long run, due to the artificial practices involved in its mass production. Native Cow A2 Milk comes from cows with the hump on the back, who naturally produce only A2 protein and not A1 which makes all the difference. At Vathila, we produce and deliver preservative free 100% pure raw A2 milk which is a powerful yet soothing combination of calcium, potassium, protein, and other nutrients essential for healthy bones.

Our ghee is generated through the traditional Bilona method as opposed to an industrial stirrer which only moves in the same direction. Our wooden churner moves forward and reverse according to the traditional method which is full of nutritive fatty acid, an ideal fat source for the Indian vegetarian diet. It slows down the aging process, lowers bad cholesterol, and boosts metabolism.